Acts 21:15-40 ”The Root of Misunderstandings”

We resume our study in the Book of Acts with a message on Acts 21:15-40 entitled "The Root of Misunderstandings."

Acts 21:1-14 ”What is God‘s Will”

We are continuing our study through Acts with Pastor Jon in a sermon titled "What is God's Will?"

Acts 20:16-38 ”Spiritual Leadership”

We are continuing our study through Acts with Pastor Jon in a sermon titled "Spiritual Leadership."

Acts 19:21-20:16 ”Purposed in the Spirit”

We are continuing our study through Acts with Pastor Jon in a sermon titled "Purposed in the Spirit."

Acts 19:1-20 ”Something is Lacking”

We continue our study through the book of Acts in our series titled, "Acts The Rapid Rise". This Sunday Pastor Jon Geraci will be teaching through Acts 19:1-20, in a sermon titled, "Something is Lacking."

Acts 18:1-28 ”When Life is Hard, PRESS ON”

We continue our study through the book of Acts in our series titled, "Acts The Rapid Rise". This Sunday Pastor Jon Geraci will be teaching through Acts 18:1-28, in a sermon titled, "When Life is Hard, PRESS ON"

Acts 17:10-34 ”Separating the Fakes”

We continue our study through the book of Acts in our series titled, "Acts The Rapid Rise". This Sunday Pastor Jon Geraci will be teaching through Acts 17:17:10-34, in a sermon titled, "Separating the Fakes"

Acts 17:1-9 ”Turning the World Upside Down”

We continue our study through the book of Acts in our series titled, "Acts The Rapid Rise". This Sunday Pastor Jon Geraci will be teaching through Acts 17:17:1-9, in a sermon titled, "Turning the World Upside Down"

Acts 16:6-40 ”Thanking God for Closed Doors”

We continue our study through the book of Acts in our series titled, "Acts The Rapid Rise". This Sunday Pastor Jon Geraci will be teaching through Acts 16:6-40, in a sermon titled, "Thanking God for Closed Doors"

Acts15:22-16:5 ”The Clash of the Christians”

We continue our study through the book of Acts in our series titled, "Acts The Rapid Rise". This Sunday Pastor Jon Geraci will be teaching through Acts 15:22-16:5, in a sermon titled, "The Clash of the Christians"

”The Never Changing Gospel” Acts 15:1-21

We continue our study through the book of Acts in our series titled, "Acts The Rapid Rise". This Sunday Pastor Jon Geraci will be teaching through Acts 15:1-21, in a sermon titled, "The Never Changing Gospel."

Acts 14:1-28, ”Protecting the Truth

We continue our study through the book of Acts in our series titled, "Acts The Rapid Rise". This Sunday Pastor Jon Geraci will be teaching through Acts 14:1-28, in a sermon titled, "Protecting the Truth."