Waiting With Joy | Matthew 2:1-11 | Chris O’Keefe

Listen HERE for the second sermon taught by Assistant Pastor Chris O'Keefe in our Advent Series!

Waiting With Hope | 1 Peter 1:3-5 | Jon Geraci

Listen in for the FIRST sermon in our 2024 Advent Series taught by Pastor Jon Geraci!

What’s In Your Hand, Christian? | Exodus 3-4 | Brian Michaels

Please welcome one of the members on the CSD Board, Pastor Brian Michaels of Springs Lighthouse Church, as he shares a guest teaching for us about a familiar story in Exodus!

Sustaining Urgency | Matthew 9:35-38 | Anthony Geraci

Please welcome Pastor Anthony Geraci, our lead Pastor's brother for a guest teaching in the Gospel of Matthew!

The Offensive Christian | Ephesians 1:15-23

Listen in to this special message with Pastor Jon in Ephesians 1 for a powerful reminder!

Don’t Stress – You’re Not Alone | John 14:1-11

Join us as we jump back into our study through the Gospel of John as Pastor Jon starts off Chapter 14!

Encouragement In Suffering | 2 Thessalonians 1:1-5 | Gino Geraci

Please welcome back our founding Pastor Gino Geraci for a special sermon in 2 Thessalonians as he takes on the topic of what it truly means to suffer for Christ!

The Key To Happiness | John 13:18-38

Listen HERE for the second half of John 13 as Pastor Jon makes his way through the Lord's Supper! 

Irregular Servants | John 13:1-17

John Chapter 13 is HERE! And with it comes the beginning of the last supper, and a timeless and iconic story of Jesus's servitude towards His people then, and His heart for us now. Join us with Pastor Jon as we go through the washing of the…

When God Is Silent | Genesis 16:1-16

Listen HERE for a special message put on Pastor Jon's heart for our church in Genesis 16, focusing on what happens when we try to take our lives into our hands vs leaving it all in God's.

Special Baptism Sunday Message | Acts 8:26-40

Join us for a special message on our last Baptism Sunday of 2024!

“Necessary Demolition” | Jeremiah 23:29 | Justin Thomas

Please join us for special guest teacher Justin Thomas, current President and Bible College Director for Calvary Chapel Bible College, as he takes us through a hidden gem in the book of Jeremiah!