Calvary South Denver Sermon ExodusCalvary South Denver

Waiting With Peace | Isaiah 9:2-7 | Adam Dobbs

Join our Executive and Worship Pastor Adam Dobbs for the third message in our Advent Series as he discusses what it means to wait with Peace!
Calvary South Denver Sermon ExodusCalvary South Denver

What’s In Your Hand, Christian? | Exodus 3-4 | Brian Michaels

Please welcome one of the members on the CSD Board, Pastor Brian Michaels of Springs Lighthouse Church, as he shares a guest teaching for us about a familiar story in Exodus!
Calvary South Denver Sermon ExodusCalvary South Denver

When God Is Silent | Genesis 16:1-16

Listen HERE for a special message put on Pastor Jon's heart for our church in Genesis 16, focusing on what happens when we try to take our lives into our hands vs leaving it all in God's.
Calvary South Denver Sermon ExodusCalvary South Denver

“Necessary Demolition” | Jeremiah 23:29 | Justin Thomas

Please join us for special guest teacher Justin Thomas, current President and Bible College Director for Calvary Chapel Bible College, as he takes us through a hidden gem in the book of Jeremiah!
Calvary South Denver Sermon ExodusCalvary South Denver

From Gloom to Glory | Exodus 38-40

Join us for the finale of Pastor Jon's Sunday sermon series through the book of Exodus!!
Calvary South Denver Sermon ExodusCalvary South Denver

FACE TO FACE In His Presence | Exodus 33:11-23

Join us for the latest installment through our Exodus sermon series!
Calvary South Denver Sermon ExodusCalvary South Denver

Don’t Be Stupid. Receive His Message. | Exodus 33:1-10

Listen in for the next chapter in Pastor Jon's sermon series through the book of Exodus!
Calvary South Denver Sermon ExodusCalvary South Denver

The Golden Calf – PART I | Exodus 32:1-14

Listen in for Part I on the Israelites and the golden calf in Chapter 32 of our Exodus series!
Calvary South Denver Sermon ExodusCalvary South Denver

No Gimmicks With God Exodus 30:17-38

Listen for the next installment in Pastor Jon's sermon series through Exodus as he finishes out chapter 30!