Acts SermonsCalvary South Denver

Acts 28:1-30 Finish What you Started

Please join us as we finish our study through Acts. [Act 28:1-30 NKJV] 1 Now when they had escaped, they then found out that the island was called Malta. 2 And the natives showed us unusual kindness; for they kindled a fire and made us all welcome, because of the rain that was falling and because of the cold.
Acts SermonsCalvary South Denver

Acts 27:27-44 ”Don‘t Abandon Ship”

Please join us as we continue our study through Acts with pastor Jon Geraci in a sermon entitled "Don't Abandon Ship"
Acts SermonsCalvary South Denver

Acts 27:1-26 ”Stay Afloat”

Please join us as we continue our study through Acts in a sermon entitled "Stay Afloat"
Acts SermonsCalvary South Denver

Acts 26:9-32 ”Paul on Trial Part 2”

Please join us as we continue our study through Acts in the second part of "Paul on Trial."
Acts SermonsCalvary South Denver

Acts 24 1-27 ”Court is in Session”

We are continuing our study through Acts with Pastor Jon Geraci in a sermon entitled "Court is in Session."
Acts SermonsCalvary South Denver

Acts 23:1-35 ”You’re NOT Alone”

WE'RE BACK IN ACTS! Jon returns to the pulpit in the book of Acts in a sermon entitled "You're Not alone"
Acts SermonsCalvary South Denver

Acts 22:1-30 ”The Power of Your Testimony”

We continue our study in the Book of Acts with a message on Acts 22:1-30 entitled "The Power of Your Testimony"
Acts SermonsCalvary South Denver

Acts 21:15-40 ”The Root of Misunderstandings”

We resume our study in the Book of Acts with a message on Acts 21:15-40 entitled "The Root of Misunderstandings."
Acts SermonsCalvary South Denver

Acts 21:1-14 ”What is God‘s Will”

We are continuing our study through Acts with Pastor Jon in a sermon titled "What is God's Will?"
Acts SermonsCalvary South Denver

Acts 20:16-38 ”Spiritual Leadership”

We are continuing our study through Acts with Pastor Jon in a sermon titled "Spiritual Leadership."
Acts SermonsCalvary South Denver

Acts 19:21-20:16 ”Purposed in the Spirit”

We are continuing our study through Acts with Pastor Jon in a sermon titled "Purposed in the Spirit."