Calvary South Denver Book of John Bible StudyCalvary South Denver

Jesus’s Final Teaching – Part I | John 16:1-15

Listen in as Pastor Jon cover's the first part of Jesus's FINAL teaching in the Gospel of John!
Calvary South Denver Book of John Bible StudyCalvary South Denver

Hatred Without A Cause | John 15:20-27

Tune back in for the next set of verses in John Chapter 15 with Pastor Jon!
Calvary South Denver Book of John Bible StudyCalvary South Denver

Love Is A Choice Not A Feeling | John 15:12-19

Listen in for the latest in the Gospel of John as Pastor Jon takes us deeper into the difference between feeling-based love vs choice-based love, and what Jesus calls us to do!
Calvary South Denver Book of John Bible StudyCalvary South Denver

The Key To Spiritual Growth | John 15:8-11

Journey with us into this week's sermon as Pastor Jon shares how we can take on the Fruits of the Spirit in our lives as less of a checklist and more of a lifestyle as we continue through John Chapter 15!
Calvary South Denver Book of John Bible StudyCalvary South Denver

Spotting Authenticity From Fakes | John 15:1-7

Pastor Jon explores the topic of Abiding in Christ as starts off Chapter 15 this week in Life In His Name!
Calvary South Denver Book of John Bible StudyCalvary South Denver

What Is Perfect Peace? | John 14:21-31

Listen in for the latest from Pastor Jon as he works his way through Chapter 14 of the Gospel of John!
Calvary South Denver Book of John Bible StudyCalvary South Denver

God’s Promises Are Ironclad | John 14:12-20

We're excited to welcome you into 2025 and back into our sermon series Life In His Name with Pastor Jon as he resumes in Chapter 14!
Calvary South Denver Book of John Bible StudyCalvary South Denver

Don’t Stress – You’re Not Alone | John 14:1-11

Join us as we jump back into our study through the Gospel of John as Pastor Jon starts off Chapter 14!
Calvary South Denver Book of John Bible StudyCalvary South Denver

The Key To Happiness | John 13:18-38

Listen HERE for the second half of John 13 as Pastor Jon makes his way through the Lord's Supper! 
Calvary South Denver Book of John Bible StudyCalvary South Denver

Irregular Servants | John 13:1-17

John Chapter 13 is HERE! And with it comes the beginning of the last supper, and a timeless and iconic story of Jesus's servitude towards His people then, and His heart for us now. Join us with Pastor Jon as we go through the washing of the…
Calvary South Denver Book of John Bible StudyCalvary South Denver

To Believe, Or Not Believe | John 12:37-50

Listen NOW for the conclusion of John chapter 12 with Pastor Jon as we keep progressing through Life In His Name!
Calvary South Denver Book of John Bible StudyCalvary South Denver

Come Back To The Light | John 12:27-36

Join us for the latest sermon through Chapter 12 of the Gospel of John with Pastor Jon Geraci!